
Using the hardware USART with BoostC and a PIC

This post looks at what is needed to get a serial connectiong working with BoostC using a PIC with a hardware USART. A later post will cover the BoostC software implementation, when I have finished figuring it out.

By the end of this post there will be a PIC uC talking to Hyperterminal on the PC using less than 50 lines of code.

dspam integration with dovecot

In a previous message I spoke about training dspam automatically. The script I posted there works, but it’s not brilliant so I started looking for other ways of achieving spam training from the client.

Training dspam from Thunderbird junk messages

Recently I have installed and configured dspam on my mailserver. It seems to work nicely but needs occasional training. I wanted to integrate this with Thunderbird so that users could automatically train dspam from their mail client.

Updates to libnids

Much of the code I have written as part of my day job uses the rather excellent libnids.  However, there are a few bugs in version 1.23 relating to packets with radiotap headers or code which tries to read from multiple pcap files in sequence.

Contributing [to CPAN] is easy!

The following article is a repost of an original that I wrote for

I thought I would share my experience of submitting a module to CPAN for the first time. In summary: it’s stupidly easy and if I can do it, so can you.

Modifying fields in the Turba addressbook

I have recently started using the Funambol iPhone app to keep my contacts in sync with my webmail addressbook.  However, some fields aren’t included in Turba by default and need adding.  This post is for system administrators rather than users, so if you don’t run your own webmail then point your friendly geek at this post.