Highlighting admin comments in the Responsive theme

One thing I like about some blogs is that you can easily see when the admin has replied to comments. It is easy to tweak the Responsive theme to change the colour of these comments by including a few lines of CSS.

Click on “Appearance -> Theme Options” in the WordPress admin section, then expand the “Custom CSS Styles” section. You should put the CSS here instead of editing the theme because it will persist when you upgrade the theme.

Paste the following into the CSS box and then choose “Save options”. You can change the colour from the light yellow I use.

/* Highlight posts by a site admin */
.commentlist li.comment-author-admin {

/* Highlight comments by any registered user */
.commentlist li.byuser {

/* Highlight comments by the author of the post */
.commentlist li.bypostauthor {

You could change comment-author-admin to byuser to highlight registered users or bypostauthor for the author of the post.

David Cannings
David Cannings
Cyber Security

My interests include computer security, digital electronics and writing tools to help analysis of cyber attacks.